QUESTION to the Group re. where to install the CW Tuning Indicator

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QUESTION to the Group re. where to install the CW Tuning Indicator

Tom Hammond-3

A question has been raised which I cannot (yet) answer. Though I hope to be
able to answer it soon...

If you installed the CW Tuning Indicator PC board in a fully-appointed K2
(KPA100,KSB2/KNB2/KDSP2), WHERE did you wind up placing it?

I'm already considering an SMD version of the device (K6XX version) but
that's a bit down the road. It'll be a bit more 'important' if I can't find
a place to install the current PC board. GROAN!


Tom   N0SS

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Re: QUESTION to the Group re. where to install the CW Tuning Indicator

Tom Hammond wrote:

> A question has been raised which I cannot (yet) answer. Though I hope to
> be able to answer it soon...
> If you installed the CW Tuning Indicator PC board in a fully-appointed
> K2 (KPA100,KSB2/KNB2/KDSP2), WHERE did you wind up placing it?

I had one installed some time ago (the original KR5L circuit), and I want to
mention where NOT to put it:  absolutely do not put it near the plug for the
counter probe!  I had mine attached with double-sided tape on the side panel
(this was before I had the DSP, so it probably wouldn't fit there now).
Harmonics of the square-wave oscillator in the chip were picked up by the
counter circuit, which made the readings jump all over the place when I tried to
do CAL FIL.  I went absolutely NUTS before figuring out what the problem was.

So, assuming that you can find a place to put it, check to make sure that it
doesn't cause RFI to anything.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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Re: QUESTION to the Group re. where to install the CW Tuning Indicator

Tom Hammond-3
In reply to this post by Tom Hammond-3

For your info, and the benefot of others who might be eventually installing
one of the CW Tuning Indicators in their K2, here's a note from Vic (K2VCO)
which you should read and heed!

Tom   N0SS

Tom Hammond wrote:

>A question has been raised which I cannot (yet) answer. Though I hope to
>be able to answer it soon...
>If you installed the CW Tuning Indicator PC board in a fully-appointed K2
>(KPA100,KSB2/KNB2/KDSP2), WHERE did you wind up placing it?

I had one installed some time ago (the original KR5L circuit), and I want
to mention where NOT to put it:  Absolutely DO NOT put it near the plug for
the counter probe!

I had mine attached with double-sided tape on the side panel (this was
before I had the DSP, so it probably wouldn't fit there now).

Harmonics of the square-wave oscillator in the chip were picked up by the
counter circuit, which made the readings jump all over the place when I
tried to do CAL FIL.

I went absolutely NUTS before figuring out what the problem was.

So, assuming that you can find a place to put it, check to make sure that
it doesn't cause RFI to anything.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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RE: QUESTION to the Group re. where to install the CW Tuning Indicator

Sverre Holm
In reply to this post by Tom Hammond-3
With SMD you should be able to fit it where I put my Manhattan-style
zero-beat indicator + audio amplifier: on the back of the front panel board
above the mic connector. The advantage is that all connections go to the
front panel board so there will be no loose wires.



-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Tom Hammond
Sent: 21. september 2004 15:11
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [Elecraft] QUESTION to the Group re. where to install the CW Tuning


A question has been raised which I cannot (yet) answer. Though I hope to be
able to answer it soon...

If you installed the CW Tuning Indicator PC board in a fully-appointed K2
(KPA100,KSB2/KNB2/KDSP2), WHERE did you wind up placing it?

I'm already considering an SMD version of the device (K6XX version) but
that's a bit down the road. It'll be a bit more 'important' if I can't find
a place to install the current PC board. GROAN!


Tom   N0SS

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