Question about ordering K2

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Question about ordering K2

Craig Rairdin
I'm going to order a K2 but am trying to spread the cost out over some
period of time. Is there any advantage to ordering the K2 and the KPA100 at
the same time? That is, am I going to run into places in the instructions
for building the K2 where it would be advantageous to have the KPA100 kit
right there? For example, are there parts in the basic K2 you have to remove
when you add the KPA100, or use from the KPA100 kit if you have it?
Same question as it applies to the KAT100-1.
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RE: Question about ordering K2

Don Wilhelm-3

To add the KPA100 later, the answer is - nothing electrical has to be
changed  - BUT there are connectors for the AUX RF and AUX 12V that have to
be installed, and the installation of the AUX RF connector requires you to
remove the K2 rear cover - not hard, but you do have to be careful about
keeping the K2 output transistor mounting hardware in place.

To extend your question, many internal options require the removal of
jumpers - only the KNB2 requires removal of components (3 resistors), all
other parts are adds not replacement (unless you have an older K2).

Bottom line - your efforts will be increased only a small amount if you
install the options one at a time - so start on the basic K2 and add to it
as you are able - that is one of the nice things about the K2, in addition,
when Elecraft adds something new or makes a design change, they consider all
those older K2 that are out there too - my K2 SN 00020 (original Field Test
version) is as up to date as the K2 I have just built.  For instance, the
KPA100 kit includes all components that must be changed on older K2s in the
package - and I call that great support of back level K2s, few companies do
things like that.


> -----Original Message-----
> I'm going to order a K2 but am trying to spread the cost out over some
> period of time. Is there any advantage to ordering the K2 and the
> KPA100 at
> the same time? That is, am I going to run into places in the instructions
> for building the K2 where it would be advantageous to have the KPA100 kit
> right there? For example, are there parts in the basic K2 you
> have to remove
> when you add the KPA100, or use from the KPA100 kit if you have it?
> Same question as it applies to the KAT100-1.
> Craig

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RE: Question about ordering K2

Keith Regli
In reply to this post by Craig Rairdin
 I just went through the process and I wouldn't worry about it.  The kits
are well designed and options go in pretty easily.  

On page 71 of the K2 manual (download from elecraft) you can see the steps
you would be able to save.  Look at the "Installation" sections of the
option manuals (also downloadable) to see what you have to undo.  If you
wait a long time to order options there may be a firmware upgrade required.

Keith Regli (K7KAR)
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-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Craig Rairdin
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2005 9:01 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [Elecraft] Question about ordering K2

I'm going to order a K2 but am trying to spread the cost out over some
period of time. Is there any advantage to ordering the K2 and the KPA100 at
the same time? That is, am I going to run into places in the instructions
for building the K2 where it would be advantageous to have the KPA100 kit
right there? For example, are there parts in the basic K2 you have to remove
when you add the KPA100, or use from the KPA100 kit if you have it?
Same question as it applies to the KAT100-1.
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RE: Question about ordering K2

Brian Mury-3
In reply to this post by Don Wilhelm-3
On Tue, 2005-08-02 at 12:01 -0500, W3FPR - Don Wilhelm wrote:
> To extend your question, many internal options require the removal of
> jumpers - only the KNB2 requires removal of components (3 resistors), all
> other parts are adds not replacement (unless you have an older K2).

The KSB2 requires removal of a capacitor.

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RE: Question about ordering K2

Ron D'Eau Claire-2
In any event, it's a good idea to build the basic K2 and complete all the
alignment and testing, then go on to add each option, one at a time, just in
case there is a problem. It makes locating the problem and correcting it so
much easier than having a fully-loaded rig that never worked to

For the tiny inconvenience involved in removing a cap or jumper while adding
the options, I'd *never* consider building the whole rig at once.


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