I cannot address you by name or call, but greetings none the less (possibly you are Tom?):
I just uploaded a Youtube demo of the procedure that I use to calibrate the K3 on WWV at 10 MHz. In the demo I start off with a nominal 6 Hz error and show how I make use of the toggle between CW-NORMAL and CW-REVERSE to judge when I am exactly zero beat. It is a matter of judging when the tones heard from the WWV carrier (
not the modulated tones they have on the carrier) are equal as I switch between CW-NOR and CW-REV using the MODE-->ALT function to toggle back and forth.
Since I was 6 Hz high, I turned the REF CAL frequency
down from 49.379.780 to 49.379.756 (24 Hz) to accomplish the calibration adjustment. Your exact frequency will of course not be the same as mine.
I do not know if this will be sufficiently clear in the demo, but I find it works very well for me. When I did this 3 months ago, my starting error was 25 Hz high. Since calibrating it to 0 Hz error at that time, I have "drifted" only 6 Hz. Not bad at all (no high stability option installed here). The demo is hopefully found at this link:
Chuck, W5UXH
Las Cruces, NM
tomb18 wrote
I just finished my kit and I seem to have some difficulty determining if the ref. osc. is calibrated correctly. I am using an off air signal (wwv). I can hear the monitor tone and then another one that gets lower in pitch as I turn vfo a. But i can never hear a "zero beat".