RE: Elecraft Digest, Vol 2, Issue 15

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RE: Elecraft Digest, Vol 2, Issue 15

Meier, Peter H.
Gordon is still working but I believe only very limitedly. I just received word from him Sunday that he is sending my key. It's been close to three years since I ordered it. Gordon has confided that he is and has been quite ill for the past several years and all work is proceeding very slowly. I persisted in waiting for his key because of the wonderful reputation his keys have established over the years. I have never used one of his keys so I can't speak from experience but just try to get someone to sell you their G4ZPY key! I think I'm already going to regret not ordering a second full-sized key ( I ordered the miniature version) as it may not be possible to get one much longer. I hope I'm wrong about that.

Pete WK8S

SO..! Was wondering....CAN anyone on the list please tell me if they know
(within the last 3 months or so) if Gordon is indeed "trading"... also,
because I can't seem to find his website, with the old "link" that I
have....   I've over the years, had MANY, MANY, chats with him about the
purchase of a key, and my requirements, but the last I heard he was not in
too good health....

Would love to hear from anyone who knows the "latest" and PARTICULARLY from
anyone who has PURCHASED a key from Gordon in the last few months, with
their respective thoughts....  Don't think that my exisiting model is one of
the "VHS" models, but it sure is a fine instrument and manages to give my
"Vibroplex Deluxe Iambic" a run for it's money....

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