I'm tiring of this thread. Elecraft does NOT need to understand the
marketplace. It is not a corporate entity. It's just a bunch of guys
who love radio, who also design radio kits. The radio kits sold well
because of a combination of:
being the only game in town for good kits
well engineered design
A moderately good website
Wayne and Gary's wives don't shoot guns at them when they stay up
late staring at schematics
extreme amounts of dumb luck
This is a radio hobby, trying to masquerade as a business; the fact
that it makes enough money for the founders to make a living is a
complete (and pleasant) accident. Wayne and Gary (and the folks that
help at the Aptos Office and elswhere) are philanthropic to the
extreme. They did not have to sell kits, after all, they could have
built themselves radios and kept them to themselves on the order:
"... yea you sound great Gary, what you running? ..."
"... Oh hi Roger, I'm just testing my old Kenwood 930, I'll put it
away in a couple of days ..."
Yea right <grin>.
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