RE: K2 - 4039 Aligning with Spectrogram questions.

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RE: K2 - 4039 Aligning with Spectrogram questions.

Nicolas Pike

Thanks to everyone for there feedback regarding my bassy audio. I have now
downloaded Spectrogram and read N0SS's K2_SSB_Gram notes (17/01/2001). I
struggled a bit to find the correct settings with the latest version of
Spectrogram but have made a start with the following settings

Sample 22k
Scope 2
Plot type signal
Averaging 1second
Spectrum DB/hz max 30
Freq linear
Fft 2048
Freq res 10.8
High band Limit 2570
Low band Limit 0

My K2 #4039 is using the unmoded 2.2 (Revison D, Jan 8, 2004) SSB filter

I do get some vaguely sensible graphs(!)  But I have a few questions!

1. Are these spectrogram setting optimal?
2. What upper and lower frequency markers should I use?
3. Mention is made in another doc of placing a 10Ohm resistor to ground if
using the headphone output (as I am) do I need to do this if so where should
the resistor be placed? Or should I use the speaker output?
4. Any other suggested documents hints etc?

Thank you very much!! I just want to get my K2 set up nicely and work some
of you guys!!


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