RE:K2 ALC action

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RE:K2 ALC action

James T. "Jim" Rogers, W4ATK
        I will just bet you are using a K2/KPA100. I am not driving a big amp so it
has not been a real problem but when I enter TUNE with the KPA100 activated,
I will see a fluctuation in output for the first few seconds. The
fluctuation is at a rate of 1 "pulse" per second. After a few seconds it
stabilizes and all is well until I enter TUNE once again.

        I had not checked for this under normal keying but yes, the fluctuation is
there when keying the rig on CW.

        Now that we know it occurs on at least two K2/100s, I like you wonder if
there is a solution.

        You are not alone ( for whatever that is worth)

73's Jim W4ATK

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