Craig and all,
That slight bowing of the bottom cover with the tilt bail tension has been
around since the first Field Test K2s (yes, the condition is present on my
SN 00020). Never fear, it will cause no problem, and yes it will straighten
out (almost) when attached to the RF board. No harm observed here since
If the tilt bail does not have sufficient tension it may not stay in
position - do not attempt to reduce the tension.
> -----Original Message-----
> I don't know if this is normal but I have it too (SN 4790). I did
> notice, however, that when I attached the bottom cover to the rest of
> the K2 for the initial front panel testing it seemed to straighten out
> the warping. But this does put some stress on the RF board. I don't
> know if this will have any long term effect.
> Anyone at Elecraft notice this? An out of spec batch of tilt bails?
> Craig Miller, K3OOL
> K2 4790
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