I have noted discussions on the reflector in the past about some persons
not being satisfied with the level of audio available form some of the kit
radios. I built a completely passive sound card interface for my K2/computer
connection. The sound card interface plugs into the ext speaker jack on the
K2. I provided another jack for the ext speaker, and I also provided for
headphones, on the interface but the ext speaker just did not cut it. Double
terminating the audio out of the K2 caused some un-desireable side effects
in frequency response and audio level.
I found the answer at Radio Shack. Part #21-541A is a neat little amplified
speaker with what seems like the right response for communications. It tuns
itself on automatically when you turn up the volume on the K2 and if you
shut the audio down turns itself off. Runs off the station DC supply. Solved
my problem completely.
73 Jim, W4ATK
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