Many of you offered help with the low signals I was getting when I
switched in OPT1 on my newly built SSB adapter.
Thanks to Gary explaining how I could just whack on the signal path
through the ladder filter with one of my multimeter probes (not even
connected to the multimeter) and use the resulting static and noise
to trace the circuit, I worked backwards from the output jack and
located a capacitor (C11) whose lead was broken off and floating in a
small fillet of solder on the top of the board -- so it looked fine
but made a crappy connection. I've no idea how I achieved this
miraculous condition, but locating it with this technique took maybe
all of a minute and a half. Wow.
Since this cap is a 103, Elecraft even had the prescient (but spooky)
foresight to include a spare! A few moments with the soldering iron
and now all is well and the rest of the SSB checkout went without a
I am embarrassed to say how much time I spent chasing this. Hope
someone, someday, finds this post in the archive and it saves them
much headache.
Thanks to Gary and all of you.
-- Ward / KG6HAF
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