I have now carefully wound and installed the first few Toroids for my K2.
Vertical Toriods - As I did not want the wire crossing back over the
windings to the mounting holes. I have a bare part of the Toroid (i.e no
wire) where the core sits on the board. Not sure of the percentage, could be
20% bare.
Horizontal Toriods - As I did not want the wire running parallel to the
windings and back to the mounting holes. I have a bare part of the toroid
(i.e no wire) where the core sits on the board. Not sure of the percentage,
could be 20% bare.
I know the manual says 85% as a target. Am I worrying too much? Is it ok /
desirable to have the wire running parallel to the windings, in order to get
fuller spacing around the core? if so, are they secure with the extra
"loose" wire? I have read the toroid page and looked at photos but I have
missed this mounting detail!
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