I noticed that on my KX1 too.
I just finished my K2 and also notice it there.
The KX1 has a really nice dit dah weighting to it.
There is something about the weighting that gives
sending cw with the 2 rigs a "swing" that is very
I have yet to figure out the weighting..
I have tried to program the feel into my K1EL keyer
but have not quite got it yet.
As for Iambic mode A and B...
I got back into ham radio about 3 years ago after
20 years away and used a rig that had an internal
keyer that was mode B. I couldnt figure out
why I couldnt send CW any more. Turned out to
be the mode B thing. An extra dit or dah would be
sent when I wasnt expecting it.
After a month or so of using Mode B the problem went away.
I do however find myself using the iambic paddles now more
like a single lever paddle than I used to to avoid
the extra dits but I am sure that will fix itself too.
Anyway. I think it is weighting that makes you feel
like you are "in the pocket" (to coin a jazz phrase)
when sending.
I would love it if someone would tell me what the weighting is...
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