It was written:
>Earthlink should be ashamed for promulgating such crap.
>... You sent me an emaiil with a question, but my response was blocked
>by Earthlink's 'block everything' filter that serves as an excuse for a spam
It's not entirely earthlink's fault. Ultimately, it is the individual earthlink user who makes the conscious decision to inflict this draconian, insulting, irritating, self-important, ineffective, and paranoid level of spam filtering on other email correspondents. Earthlink does NOT default to that abomination.
I've used earthlink for three years and have found the next *lower* level of spam filtering to be entirely satisfactory, without generating the nonsense that their highest level of spam blocking dumps on potential correspondents. IMHO, if I used the highest level of earthlink's spam blocking, that would simply tell others that my time is much much much more important than their's when it comes to them earning the high honor and priviledge of sending me an email.
As an earthlink user, I would never jump through the hurdles that earthlink's highest level of spam blocking requires.
Mike / KK5F
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