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My audio cuts out momentarily whenever I rotate the RF gain pot.  I suppose the RF gain pot is generating noise (dirty) and that noise is triggering the AGC.  I do find that if I rapidly rotate the knob back and forth through perhaps ninety degrees a dozen times or more, the problem is temporarily reduced.

1)  Do others have this problem?

2)  what is the recommended solution?

I have never done the AF pot mod because it is not noisy at all.


K2 # 0700
Palm # 0070
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Re: RF POT (K2)

Fernando Quinones
K2 2330 experiences the same malady. Even a slight bump will cause this.
I'm waiting
to get in there and replace the pot. Just having too much fun to open
her up.
Hate to replace it and have the problem resurface.

1) yes.

2) ??

AF pot gives plenty of volume with no scratchiness so no problem there.

take care

Indy wrote:

>My audio cuts out momentarily whenever I rotate the RF gain pot.  I suppose the RF gain pot is generating noise (dirty) and that noise is triggering the AGC.  I do find that if I rapidly rotate the knob back and forth through perhaps ninety degrees a dozen times or more, the problem is temporarily reduced.
>1)  Do others have this problem?
>2)  what is the recommended solution?
>I have never done the AF pot mod because it is not noisy at all.
>K2 # 0700
>Palm # 0070
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Fernando N2FQ/NNNØJYM ex-NF6Q
San Jose, CA

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Sverre Holm
>My audio cuts out momentarily whenever I rotate the RF gain pot.  I
> >suppose the RF gain pot is generating noise (dirty) and that
> noise is
> >triggering the AGC.  I do find that if I rapidly rotate the
> knob back
> >and forth through perhaps ninety degrees a dozen times or more, the
> >problem is temporarily reduced.
> >
> >1)  Do others have this problem?
> >
> >2)  what is the recommended solution?

Mine on K2 2198 has the same problem and has had it for a long time. It
helps to push the RF pot gently inwards as you turn it, but I am
planning a replacement ... some time..


Sverre Holm, LA3ZA

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Re: RF POT (K2)

David A. Belsley
In reply to this post by Indy-3
   I had this problem with s/n 744.  A postmortem showed that the
plastic shaft inside was breaking apart into little pieces that would
get behind the wiper, making contact problematic.  I think the cause
was excessive play in the shaft, noted by its being able to be moved
sideways significantly.  Normal side pressures during usage were
causing the shaft to grind apart against the bushing housing.

   I replaced the pot.  It is not that bad a job.  And then I added a
nylon washer between the knob and the panel to relieve the possibility
of damaging side pressure.  I put these washers behind all the smaller
knobs.  I found some black nylon washers that had exactly the right
inside and outside diameters so that they look just like part of the
knob.  I found them at my local hardware store, but I don't know how
universally available they are.  They are made by Hillman Co. of
Cincinnati, OH, and are their part number 58059-N.  The ID is .257", OD
is .5", and the thickness is .062".   Once in place, with the knob
snugged up just enough to allow free (non binding) turning through the
entire range, there is hardly any noticeable sideward motion to the
knobs.  I haven't had a problem since (knock on wood).

best wishes,

dave belsley, w1euy

On Jun 19, 2004, at 11:31 AM, Indy wrote:

> My audio cuts out momentarily whenever I rotate the RF gain pot.  I
> suppose the RF gain pot is generating noise (dirty) and that noise is
> triggering the AGC.  I do find that if I rapidly rotate the knob back
> and forth through perhaps ninety degrees a dozen times or more, the
> problem is temporarily reduced.
> 1)  Do others have this problem?
> 2)  what is the recommended solution?
> I have never done the AF pot mod because it is not noisy at all.
> tnx,
> fred
> kt5x
> K2 # 0700
> Palm # 0070
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