RF Probe?

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RF Probe?

Steve Harpole, DDS.
I am at the point where the first check of the front and control panels check out OK and all seems good but I was wondering how others attached the minature coax to the banana plugs for the RF Probe construction.  It looks as if one would destroy the plug as the hole where I think you solder is awefully close to the threads of the plastic screw-on caps.  Thanks for the Help!!

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James C. Hall, MD-2

Sorry for the bandwidth - email server problems


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Re: RF Probe?

Sam Binkley
In reply to this post by Steve Harpole, DDS.
    I didn't solder mine.  I just placed the wire in the threads of the
plastic and screwed the plug into it pinching the wire against the
plug.  Seems to work fine for me.

Sam, KL7V/5

Steve Harpole, DDS. wrote:

>I am at the point where the first check of the front and control panels check out OK and all seems good but I was wondering how others attached the minature coax to the banana plugs for the RF Probe construction.  It looks as if one would destroy the plug as the hole where I think you solder is awefully close to the threads of the plastic screw-on caps.  Thanks for the Help!!

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Re: RF Probe?

Leigh L. Klotz Jr WA5ZNU
It also looks like you need to save 6 or 7 inches of the RG-174 for the
frequency probe.  I didn't see any other uses for it in the manual -- I
hope I'm not wrong!

Sam Binkley wrote:

> Steve,
>    I didn't solder mine.  I just placed the wire in the threads of the
> plastic and screwed the plug into it pinching the wire against the
> plug.  Seems to work fine for me.
> Sam, KL7V/5
> Steve Harpole, DDS. wrote:
>> I am at the point where the first check of the front and control
>> panels check out OK and all seems good but I was wondering how others
>> attached the minature coax to the banana plugs for the RF Probe
>> construction.  It looks as if one would destroy the plug as the hole
>> where I think you solder is awefully close to the threads of the
>> plastic screw-on caps.  Thanks for the Help!!
>> Steve
>> KQ4UB

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Re: RF Probe?

Don Wilhelm-3
In reply to this post by Steve Harpole, DDS.

Solder carefully so you don't get solder in the threads.  Should some wick
through, use a utility knife to cut the solder out of the threads.

There is an alternative - don't use the banana plugs at all!!!  If you have
an old computer power supply laying around, try your DMM prods into the pins
of one of the sockets that were used for the hard drive connections - if
they have a nice fit (and most do), clip the red and black leads to a
reasonable length and solder them onto the DMM end of the RG174.  Then stick
your DMM probes into this socket and measure away.  In fact, you probably
don't need RG174 at all (unless the probe is to be used in a really high RF
field area) - that end is DC and will be quite accurate even without
shielding, so solder about 5 inches of the wire from the computer PS cable
directly to the RF probe board.  I find this easier than pulling the bananna
jacks out of my DMM - just stick the prod tips into the socket.


----- Original Message -----

I am at the point where the first check of the front and control panels
check out OK and all seems good but I was wondering how others attached the
minature coax to the banana plugs for the RF Probe construction.  It looks
as if one would destroy the plug as the hole where I think you solder is
awefully close to the threads of the plastic screw-on caps.  Thanks for the

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