RF-clipper to K2

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RF-clipper to K2

Benny Aumala
In stead of modifying the well-designed interior of K2,
the clipper can be external. Look at www.qsl.net/df4zs
where a small print is inside the microphone itself.

Having access to + voltage, mic can have a genuine RF-clipper
built inside (AF-filtered SSB-clipper-filtering-prod.det-AF).
Hence, the same mic can supply correctly cipped speec to
any rig.

Another thing: see that your microphone capsule can be used with
RF-clipping. I have tested, every time a new clipper is installed,
by listening the result. A 6dB/octave roll-off of low frequencies from
1kHz down seems to be necessary. My tests have always ended to
BROWN 2" military dynamic capsule or HEIL units (where preaccentuation
is already built-in). Result: Heil always because of size.

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Re: RF-clipper to K2

That looks perfect Benny, no matter where you mount it.

Larry N8LP

Benny Aumala wrote:

> In stead of modifying the well-designed interior of K2,
> the clipper can be external. Look at www.qsl.net/df4zs
> where a small print is inside the microphone itself.
> Having access to + voltage, mic can have a genuine RF-clipper
> built inside (AF-filtered SSB-clipper-filtering-prod.det-AF).
> Hence, the same mic can supply correctly cipped speec to
> any rig.
> Another thing: see that your microphone capsule can be used with
> RF-clipping. I have tested, every time a new clipper is installed,
> by listening the result. A 6dB/octave roll-off of low frequencies from
> 1kHz down seems to be necessary. My tests have always ended to
> BROWN 2" military dynamic capsule or HEIL units (where preaccentuation
> is already built-in). Result: Heil always because of size.
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