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Benny Aumala
Instead of modifying the well-designed interior of K2,
the clipper can be external. Look at www.qsl.net/df4zs.

I have 36x27 mm print INSIDE THE MICROPHONE itself.
Of course it is a 10mA miniversion, but a genuine RF-clipper
with two filters,3 ICs and 3 potmeters. Variables are
input, output, pitch (oscillator frequency = passband tuning).
Should df4zs invent it again?

Another thing: take care your microphone is compatible with
RF-clipping. I have tested, every time a new clipper is installed,
by listening the result. Normally I had more than 6 mic candidates.
A 6dB/octave roll-off of low frequencies from 1kHz down
seems to be necessary. My tests have always ended to an old
BROWN 2" military dynamic capsule or HEIL units (where preaccentuation
is already built-in). Result: Heil always because of size.

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