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Jeremiah McCarthy
On the SSB board the toroid cores for RFC1 and RFC2 have very sharp edges...It is almost impossible to wind them without shaving the enamel off the wire on these sharp edges...I built several early production SSB's in which RFC1 and RFC2 were mounted flat against the bottom of the board, in fact, the silk screening for them still exists there on the bottom of the latest boards...I don't remember reading anything about why they were moved to the top, but there must have been a reason...?...

Jerry, wa2dkg
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Re: RFC1 & RFC2

In a message dated 24/01/05 16:49:30 GMT Standard Time,  [hidden email]

...I  built several early production SSB's in which RFC1 and RFC2 were
mounted flat  against the bottom of the board, in fact, the silk screening for them
still  exists there on the bottom of the latest boards...I don't remember
reading  anything about why they were moved to the top, but there must have been a

Asked Gary at Elecraft only about a week back the same question and he told  
me the toroids need to be on the top to prevent  interference with the
varactors in the CW IF filter, and to prevent additional  signal leakage or signal
Have a feeling mine are on the underside as the screen printing shows, so  
will move them if they are when next inside the K2. Will also compare the  
Spectrogram responses between the two methods to see if there any difference  that
can be seen there.
Bob, G3VVT

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