RQRE: K3: CW in SSB mode broken?

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RQRE: K3: CW in SSB mode broken?

Gary Hinson
I concur Frank.

I have QRQ turned on 'permanently' and use QSK a lot, which I guess could be
the reason CW-in-SSB is mostly broken for me (and you I guess) but not for

I just checked as you suggested: in sequence ...
1.  I had been using CW on 30m.  Changing the rig to SSB mode and hitting
the paddle gave the sidetone and triggered the PTT line but produced no RF
out i.e. CW-in-SSB was broken.
2.  Power-cycling the rig made no difference.  It's still broken.
3.  Turning QRQ off in the menu made no difference.  It's still broken.
4.  Power cycling the rig (with QRQ still configured off) restored
CW-in-SSB.  It works!  I fixed it!
5.  Turning QRQ back on made no difference.  It still works!
6.  Power cycling the rig (this time with QRQ configured on) broke it again.

So it seems I can reliably break and fix CW-in-SSB depending on whether QRQ
is on or off then I power-cycle the rig ... BUT ... there is ALSO some
dependency with the band and mode the rig is in when it is power cycled.

On 6m, power cycling the rig with QRQ on does not break CW-in-SSB.
On 10m, power cycling the rig with QRQ on DOES break CW-in-SSB.  Power
cycling with QRQ off fixes it.
On 12m, power cycling the rig with QRQ on DOES break CW-in-SSB.  Power
cycling with QRQ off partially fixed it i.e. the first dit gave power out
but then it broke.
On 15m, same as 10m.
On 17m, same as 10m.
On 20m, same as 10m.
On 30m, same as 10m.
On 40m, same as 10m.
On 80m, same as 10m.
On 160m, same as 10m.

Those results on both 6m and 12m are interesting.  The 6m result is
repeatable (which means *provided* I *always* remember to QSY to 6m before I
switch off the K3 at night, CW-in-SSB will still work in the morning!) but I
cannot reproduce that 12m result where it sent just one dit before breaking.
How odd!  Now 12m behaves like 10m.

I though I would also check whether it matters how I turn QRQ on/off.  All
the testing above was done using the CW QRQ option on the menu to toggle it,
but in CW mode with QRQ configured ON, QRQ can also be toggled on/off by
hitting RIT or XIT.  Now I discovered that on 30m, power cycling with QRQ on
while the rig is in CW mode does NOT break CW-in-SSB, but power cycling with
the rig while it is in SSB mode DOES break CW-in-SSB.  So again, *provided*
I *always* remember to turn the to rig to CW (or I suspect any mode other
than SSB - it's fine in data mode, I haven't tested the others) before I
switch off the K3 at night, it looks like CW-in-SSB will still work in the

Yet another finding: I can toggle QRQ off/on/off/on repeatedly using the
RIT/XIT button in CW mode.  But if I power cycle the rig while QRQ is
configured on but toggled off with RIT/XIT (let's call that "QRQ
suspended"), it will no longer toggle back on with RIT/XIT after the K3
restarts.   In other words, the rig 'forgets' that it was in the "QRQ
suspended" mode.  The rig does 'remember' the setting of RIT/XIT after a
power cycle but the RIT/XIT frequency offset is cancelled back to 0.

Gary  ZL2iFB

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Frank R. Oppedijk [mailto:[hidden email]]
> Sent: Thursday, 9 February 2012 1:22 a.m.
> To: Gary Hinson; [hidden email]
> Cc: [hidden email]
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3: CW in SSB mode broken?
> Hi Gary, group, Elecraft support,
> I think I have found a strong correlation between CW in SSB not working

> the QRQ setting. Here follows:
> To make CW in SSB work: set CONFIG:QRQ to OFF, power-cycle the K3.
> To break CW in SSB: set CONFIG:QRQ to ON, power-cycle the K3.
> 73,
> Frank PA4N
> At 21:36 31/01/2012, Gary Hinson wrote:
> >Hi Frank.
> >
> >I have the same problem: CW in SSB no longer works on K3#2887 running
> >firmware 4.39.  I raised this on the reflector some months back and
> >went around the loop changing config settings, PTT, QRQ etc.  I did
> >manage to fix it temporarily by restoring the K3 firmware configs, but
> >annoyingly it has packed up again since then.
> >
> >I *think* CW-in-SSB it might still work on some bands, not others.  At
> >least, that's what I found last time I checked - I haven't checked
> >
> >I suspect there might be a cryptic bug in the firmware (the best kind!).
> >
> >73
> >Gary  ZL2iFB

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