Hi all,
Well we had a ball. Didn't get across the pond unfortunately but we
managed Asiatic Russia!
A lot was learnt and the K2 was fantastic! I have a small problem
occasionally with drop out on TX. I key up and the K2 just seems to
drop out, sometimes resetting to the previous frequency if I have only
just moved (I am aware that the freq is only stored after a short
while). This is a K2/100 with KAT100 below it. I have a feeling it
might be RF related as if I turn the wick down, it is less prevalent. I
intend to do the mic socket grounding mod and see if that fixes it.
Otherwise it was impeccable and I am VERY impressed, as were the other
guys in the team.
Just a little notelet on something I personally learnt this weekend. We
were using a 130ft top fed with 300 Ohm feeder and a 4:1 balun at the
tuner. On 40m, we had a very poor audio, little more than a scratch
really. This turned out to be RF and we changed to a 1:1 balun. This
completely fixed the problem on all the bands we needed. Isn't radio
great? ;-)
Ian Maude G0VGS Morecambe Lancs UK |
[hidden email]
Sysop of GB7MBC, the Morecambe Bay Cluster
Running Linux and DXSpider | K2 #4044
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