RTTY filter shift

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RTTY filter shift


Just did some playing with rtty and the K2.
I have a strange  thing with the filter setup

I have set my filter for rtty in 1,5, 1, 0.5 and 0.25 kc. Using 1275/1440 tones.
I get the filter setting ok for all beside the 1 kc. When I use this filter I notices a
jump of the center freq for about 40 hz lower.
When set to rtty reverse this is not happening.

Any idea how to tweak this?


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RE: RTTY filter shift

Ron D'Eau Claire-2
It sounds like you are fighting the resolution of the digital-to-analog
converters (DACs). They permit an error of about 30 Hz. Often, you can get
closer by simply forcing the DAC to re-read the BFO frequency and record a
new control voltage for that filter.

Hook up the frequency probe and go into the Menu where you adjusted the BFO
frequency for that filter. Change the frequency away from the value you've
chosen, then set it back. The system will notice that you changed the value
and that forces the logic to read the frequency again and re-write the VCO
control voltage to memory. With a little luck, it'll read closer this time.

People have come up with a variety of ways to "make" the DAC hit it dead on,
such as starting with the narrowest filter and working through to the
widest, etc.

Personally, I find that dipping a chicken feather in a little red wine and
waving it over the K2 works about as well.

And, if the DAC won't hit it exactly dead on I just drink the rest of the


-----Original Message-----

Just did some playing with rtty and the K2.
I have a strange  thing with the filter setup

I have set my filter for rtty in 1,5, 1, 0.5 and 0.25 kc. Using 1275/1440
tones. I get the filter setting ok for all beside the 1 kc. When I use this
filter I notices a jump of the center freq for about 40 hz lower. When set
to rtty reverse this is not happening.

Any idea how to tweak this?


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Re: RTTY filter shift

David A. Belsley
> Personally, I find that dipping a chicken feather in a little red wine
> and
> waving it over the K2 works about as well.

This, actually, is the only known fool-proof method.

> And, if the DAC won't hit it exactly dead on I just drink the rest of
> the
> wine.

The nice part is, the next day, when you find you need to do it again,
. . .

best wishes,

dave belsley, w1euy

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