RTTY on K2

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RTTY on K2

rolf heidenborg
Have I missed something ? Is RTTY a hardware function and not a
software managed with help of
soundcard function in the K2 ?

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Re: RTTY on K2

Brian Mury-3
On Sun, 2004-07-11 at 21:15 +0100, rolf heidenborg wrote:
> Have I missed something ? Is RTTY a hardware function and not a
> software managed with help of soundcard function in the K2 ?

RTTY uses FSK (frequency shift keying), which consists of shifting a
carrier between two frequencies. Some radios have an FSK mode where the
radio will generate the carrier, and shift it according to a digital
input from a TNC or a computer serial or parallel port. Kind of like CW
- the rig generates the carrier, it's controlled by a digital input (a

If a rig doesn't have an FSK mode, you can use a TNC or computer
soundcard to generate the carrier at audio frequencies, and feed it into
the mic input. This is usually called AFSK (the A stands for audio).

Properly generated AFSK is indistinguishable from FSK.

73, Brian

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Re: RTTY on K2

Bob Nielsen
In reply to this post by rolf heidenborg
On Sun, Nov 07, 2004 at 09:15:10PM +0100, rolf heidenborg wrote:
> Hi,
> Have I missed something ? Is RTTY a hardware function and not a
> software managed with help of
> soundcard function in the K2 ?
> 73
> Rolf SM0CLS

You need a soundcard and appropriate software, but the K2 provides a
separate RTTY mode selection for setting and storing filter bandwidths
and compression level independently from those used for SSB operation.

73, Bob N7XY
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