Re: Barebone K2 Amplifier

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Re: Barebone K2 Amplifier

Hi Gang,

As has already been pointed out, if you only want an amp for your K2, the
KPA100 is the only choice IMHO.  You can't beat the combination of price and
features.  However, I have several other QRP rigs, and having something that
could be used with most or all of them was of interest to me.

Actually, I still have a Ten-Tec 405 linear from way back when I bought my
first Argonaut (the 505).  It still works, and works well with the K2 and
other rigs.  It does 50 to 60 watts easily, but it's a bit annoying to hear
the keying relay chatter.  I'm also reluctant to use it on WARC bands as it
really wasn't designed for them, and I don't know how the filters would
perform there.

I did purchase a Tokyo Hy-Power HL-50B directly from the manufacturer.  This
is an excellent amp for QRP, but it was a bit pricey.  But it performs
flawlessly, and I am quite happy with it.  Don't use it that much, but when
necessary it sure helps.

I also picked up an RM Italy HLA150 (these do have the band filters), and
that is a pretty good amp as well--and I got mine much cheaper.  It has auto
band sensing, which is a nice feature too.  The biggest problem I have had
with this amp is that, although it is RF sensing, that feature doesn't seem
to work as well as the HL-50B, and it tends to clip some dits and dahs.  So,
you need to hardwire the keying.  But this amp will do 140 watts plus,
similar to the KPA-100.

Now, if you want to really go first class, wait for the new Elecraft amps.
I saw them at Pacificon, and they are beauties!  But you will have to dig
deep into your pockets for either model.  These amps will have all the bells
and whistles.  They will switch bands automatically, an ATU is built in, and
the smaller version has a power supply built in as well.  Initially they
were set up to require something like 50 watts of drive to achieve full
output, but Eric was quick to point out that the new rules would allow him
to cut the drive requirement way back.  I assume they will make that change,
and with a K2 you could probably get close to full output.  I'm not very
astute about amps, but I don't think there are any other amps on the market
that will outperform these new Elecraft units.  So you QRO enthusiasts need
to start saving your nickels and dimes--but get a much bigger coin jar!

Dave W7AQK

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