CW Get works pretty well when you monitor something like W1AW doing code
practice (with strong non-QSBed signal) but on real signals you get
drop-outs and a series of e e e e t t tt et te nonsense on very slow
unsteady signals. The problem is that it is the best that I have tried! The
human head is the best interface for receiving Morse. For keyboard keyers
try something from K1EL ( for $25 he has a kit (K-20)
that is a keyboard keyer with variable speed, weighing, memories, etc. all
you add is the keyboard (inexpensive computer type keyboard) or use it with
paddles as a keyer. This unit would make a good keyer for portable
operation as no computer interface is required, comsumes little power, and
can be powered off the 12 volts for the K2 or whatever. He has several
other kits. He is easy to deal with and takes PayPal. I am not associated
with K1EL and his business.
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