Re: Elecraft Digest, Vol 10, Issue 6

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Re: Elecraft Digest, Vol 10, Issue 6

earl  baillley

> Thanks to all who responded. My delemma is that if I buy the KAT 100 for
> use
> with my K-2, I would also have to purchase either the 100 watt amp
> (KPA100)
> for $359 (which I evenutally plan to do) or I have to have KIO2 for $89 to
> use
> with my K-2.
> So my options with Elecraft tuners are (1) to upgrade to the K2/100 with
> the
> tuner ($598), (2) buy the KAT100 and the KIO2 ($328 and throw away the
> $89
> interface when I upgrade), or (3) buy the KAT2 ($159 and throw it away
> when  I
> upgrade).
> This is why it is so inviting to spend $150 on the LDG Z-100 or $200 on
> the
> LDG AT-100. When I then choose to upgrade, I will only have to spend the
> $359
> and I can continue to use the external tuner.
> Any more suggestions?
> Ci  Jones
> WU7R
> FISTS 10789
> NAQCC 306

Hi Ci. Your plan is exavtly the same as mine. I have a K2 100 without tuner.
Years back I had an SGC tuner which could do everything including
cartwheeels.  I'm gonna get another. Considering the fact the it lived
otdoors for five years is pretty good in my book.  Undecided whether go for
a model that must live inside.or not as may want to try the K2 100w amp on a
different QRP rig.


Earl W7TK

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Antenna tuners to be continued

Rolf Moberg, OH6KXL
earl baillley wrote:

> Hi Ci. Your plan is exavtly the same as mine. I have a K2 100 without
> tuner. Years back I had an SGC tuner which could do everything including

I have wire antenna tuned by SGC. I'll build K2/100 and KAT-100.

Could it be possible to use one or two antennas via KAT-100 and another
via SGC? Maybe I should install one switch after K2/100. Is there a
control cable or something which could prevent my plan?

Rolf Moberg

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