I was not going to comment on this issue on such a forum, but the last most
recent question and similar that I have seen on other Ham radio web forums
prompts me to.
We should be more concerned with the technical standards, conceptual
knowledge of Ham’s on matters of electronics and radio physics, and not at all about
a motor-memory skill. As a matter of choice iCW is fine for those that enjoy
it, or might use it in light of its ability to provide as high as a 16 dB
signal advantage over some other modes. That is how I use it, and when I do am
comfortable between 16 to about 23 words per minute.
We should be innovators of technology, which is our history and charter.
Read FCC 97.1, particularly parts B, C, D. Worry less about iCW, it will survive
on its own. This all is a matter of character and conscience!
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