Re: Elecraft Digest, Vol 8, Issue 12

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Re: Elecraft Digest, Vol 8, Issue 12

earl  baillley
Hi Guys,   I had never heard the joke "What rock" before. I think it will
become the best of my collection.

As to speed on  the maritime freeks I don't think I ever heard any traffic
take placed above 25wpm and  you could stamp your foot in time to GBMM when
one of the Queens occupied 500 khZ. Good bugs that would do dots  at 15WPM
were prized aboard ship.NOT used on British ships!

I'll be on SKN but this year right hand only.  Old age has been creeping up
and winning with tremors in my left hand.  You woulnd't like that code! I
never considered being a flying sparks.  No port time.  And, sad to say
ships match airplanes in turn around these days so today there is no time or
room for the romance of the seas.

May I suggest paddle users look at and see the pix of the
Flex Flyer which I consider the very finest of all the paddles out there.

Earl W7TK

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Flex Flyer [was Elecraft Digest, Vol 8, Issue 12]

Bob Nielsen
On Sun, Dec 12, 2004 at 03:34:21PM -0800, earl  baillley wrote:

> May I suggest paddle users look at and see the pix of the
> Flex Flyer which I consider the very finest of all the paddles out there.
> Earl W7TK

Now that is a nice looking paddle!  I don't see any price information on
the web site, but hopefully that doesn't mean it is in the "if you have
to ask, you can't afford it" category.

I currently have a Bencher, a Brown Brothers Dual and a Begali Simplex
which is my favorite.

73, Bob N7XY
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