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Re: Elecraft KPA 1500 - What is next?

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Re: Elecraft KPA 1500 - What is next?

25 posts
Before Elecraft even considers or starts working on anything else new, I for
one would be most grateful if the powers that be would release the KAT-500
to market or at least provide some reliable "take it to the bank" type

At recent hamfest Elecraft booth duty individuals are saying is obviously
fictional and whatever they think a prospective buyer wants to hear and they
have nothing to back up what they are saying...

When can we expect to receive some factual information about the KAT500?


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Re: Elecraft KPA 1500 - What is next?

george fritkin
85 posts
You are right.  Anyway, I hope they skip the KPA1500 and work on a KPA5000 or KPA10000 for us serious operators

George, W6GF
Love my two K3s

 From: W0UCE <[hidden email]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2012 9:28 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft KPA 1500 - What is next?
Before Elecraft even considers or starts working on anything else new, I for
one would be most grateful if the powers that be would release the KAT-500
to market or at least provide some reliable "take it to the bank" type

At recent hamfest Elecraft booth duty individuals are saying is obviously
fictional and whatever they think a prospective buyer wants to hear and they
have nothing to back up what they are saying...

When can we expect to receive some factual information about the KAT500?


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Re: Elecraft KPA 1500 - What is next?

Matthew Pitts
42 posts
In reply to this post by W0UCE
Perhaps there will be more info released once the KX3 has been successfully shipped; I imagine that is gt we haven't heard anything about it lately.

Matthew Pitts

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

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Re: Elecraft KPA 1500 - What is next?

Bruce McLaughlin-2
149 posts
In reply to this post by george fritkin
I may be wrong about this, but I seem to remember seeing a message several
weeks ago that it was going to be released to beta testers very soon.  I
don't remember whether or not a projected sales date was mentioned but I
would not be surprised if it was sometime within the next two or three
months.  In any event, it appears that it is definitely not vaporware and
actually does exist in the flesh (or metal).


-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of george fritkin
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2012 12:42 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft KPA 1500 - What is next?

You are right.  Anyway, I hope they skip the KPA1500 and work on a KPA5000
or KPA10000 for us serious operators

George, W6GF
Love my two K3s

 From: W0UCE <[hidden email]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2012 9:28 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft KPA 1500 - What is next?
Before Elecraft even considers or starts working on anything else new, I for
one would be most grateful if the powers that be would release the KAT-500
to market or at least provide some reliable "take it to the bank" type

At recent hamfest Elecraft booth duty individuals are saying is obviously
fictional and whatever they think a prospective buyer wants to hear and they
have nothing to back up what they are saying...

When can we expect to receive some factual information about the KAT500?


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