Some of you saw the post I made about mounting a vertical on a roof, and what to do about the "radials" situation. I didn't think the post had been "accepted" yet, so I deleted it and planned on reposting it a bit differently after reading a little more and realizing that the radials would need to be more carefully tuned and sloped. This would be difficult for me to pull off to say the least.
I did get an excellent suggestion to check out the diamond CP6A. Unfortunately this antenna is discontinued. There is a 6-40m CP5H, however, which may be a good option! Even if the bandwidth on 40m isn't great, that's ok, as I failed to mention that I'm 90% CW, 9% PSK, and 1% SSB. Low power also - 15w or so. I should probably also check out the other available antennas that don't "require" radials.