Re:Elecraft: RFI Problems

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Re:Elecraft: RFI Problems

Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy-2
Two approaches to dealing with transmission lines that have been of great
help to me at various locations in substantially reducing or usually
eliminating RFI when using power at HF or VHF are:

Coax  -  Bury as much of the run as possible, as deeply as possible,
although even a few inches down is better than not burying the line at all.
Major problem is Work. Needs to be put in a protective pipe with holes at
bottom, preferably on a "bed" of gravel. "Buriable" line likewise to keep
rabbits etc from eating line.

Open Wire Line  -   4 wire cross-connected line radiates / receives much
less than 2 wire line with similar wire spacing. Also low Zo lines can be
made eg 200 ohms. Problems - heavier than 2 wire, should not change
direction too quickly in theory but can within reason, and more tedious to
build than 2 wire line. A little more difficult to handle physically than 2
wire line, but this problem is eliminated after practice.

Have never had to use a "RF Ground".



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