Re: [

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Re: [

The recommendation given in the K2 Appendix E, Troubleshooting/signal  
tracing is to use an input of 140mV to have sufficient level to operate the  
supplied RF probe/DVM.
140mV PD is approx -4dBm (0dBm/1mW into 50 ohms is accepted as 225mV PD)  and
the signal generator I have that gives the highest output only reaches 100mV  
PD or -7dBm. Most of my synthesised generators only go up to approx 70mV or  
-10dBm maximum or even as low as -20dBm in some cases.
It would seem that I cannot make the required output level at  all. The only
signal generators that reach the level required to do the  tests are some of
the more specialised signal generators such as some of those  in the HP range
which border on the realms of a low power transmitter and  are far from what
the average ham or 2 way radio service shop  would have.
The only other possibility if a single frequency will suffice would be  to
build the signal generator given in fig 2 in the K2 signal tracing section  and
add an external amplifier if needed to make the output level.
Bob, G3VVT

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