Re: Experiment: can we create an instant "band opening" on 40meters?

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Re: Experiment: can we create an instant "band opening" on 40meters?

Tom Mc
Any Results?

How about we try this at a pre-set time - I won't pick a time at this time.
Also how how about we try it on a weekend say this Saturday and Sunday
(twice because I forget a lot of things).

I like the idea, maybe we can start a movement.

K2 1103

One thing I don't like about this country is that everyone gets to have his
own opinion on things!
-----Original Message-----
From: wayne burdick <[hidden email]>
To: Elecraft Reflector <[hidden email]>
Date: Thursday, June 10, 2004 10:00 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] Experiment: can we create an instant "band opening" on

Apologies in advance, but I always wanted to try this. Perhaps it's
been done.

Suppose everyone listening on the reflector now decided to get on 40
meters all at the same time--SSB and CW? It's not a contest: call it a
spontaneous operating event. What made me think of it is that I'm
tuning around on 40 meters using scan mode on my K2, and I'm only
hearing a few stations. But conditions aren't that bad.

Interested in the possibilities? Spin your VFO knob. If the resulting
frequency ends in an odd number, call CQ. If it ends in an even number,
answer one. That simple.

Like I said, my sincere apologies if this experiment goes south....but
just in case, I'll be tuning 40 m for awhile.



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Re: Experiment: can we create an instant "band opening" on 40meters?

Jim Larsen - AL7FS
Now this is something I could get interested in if it was on 20 meters.  For
some strange reason your signals on 40 meters are just not making the haul
from Seattle to Anchorage (1440 miles) or even further during the day.  I
would rather use the phrase time-period but that is just words.  And I would
even pledge to use my K2.  :-)

73, Jim
Jim Larsen, AL7FS
Anchorage, Alaska
Anchorage Amateur Radio Club:

Tom Mc wrote:

> Any Results?
> How about we try this at a pre-set time - I won't pick a time at this time.
> Also how how about we try it on a weekend say this Saturday and Sunday
> (twice because I forget a lot of things).
> I like the idea, maybe we can start a movement.
> Tom
> K2 1103

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