I have an interested party in the KAT100, so if
someone is interested in the K2/100 by itself, I need
to get $1170 plus shipping for it.
Mark, W5EZY
--- Mark Baugh <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2004 07:41:38 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Mark Baugh <
[hidden email]>
> Subject: FS: K2/100 s/n 3455 with options
> To: Elecraft Reflector <
[hidden email]>
> Because of overwhelming medical bills I am forced to
> sell my K2/100 s/n 3455, which I love. Priorities,
> you know. This is a professionally assembled radio
> by
> me, a 40-year veteran electronics technician. Radio
> is in mint condition and works perfectly. Options
> included are KPA100, KSB2, KAF2, KNB2 and the
> KAT100.
> This radio has the latest firmware upgrade (2.04
> MCU/1.09 IOC) installed. I also have the K2KEYMDKT
> that I have not installed. I can email pictures, if
> you are interested. I would like to get $1400 plus
> shipping for it. Ill take postal money order or
> PayPal. Please email directly.
> =====
> Mark Baugh
> Grenada MS
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