Hi Bob, ( and Reflector readers)
If you have a look at the Control board diagram, you will see
that RP3 is 5 x 47k individual resistors. The one I took out is also
correctly marked "A 473G"
RP3 1/2 is used with U10a in the ALC circuit
RP3 3/4 and 5/6 is in series with the sidetone cct and U10b
RP3 7/8 is with U10d ( V bfo)
RP3 9/10 is with U10c ( V Bias-xfil)
The fact I can measure it end to end or to any leg with varying resistances
up to 93k would indicate it is indeed 100% faulty.
I recorded it on the reflector as I don't recall it being mentioned before.
I suspect it is a component that has "fallen through the cracks" at the
time of manufacture, and probably somewhat unusual.
Cheers.......Ron ZL1TW
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