Re: Hate the word HAM

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Re: Hate the word HAM

If your serious (I'm not familiar with FCC exams) - why?
What good does filling your head with bits of info that you don't need to
remember do - and what does it prove?

Like my Collage electronics exams back in the 70's - why do I need to
remember all these complex formulas (hfE calc etc) ? I'll just look them up
in a book if I need them!

Basic stuff like ohms law and freq calcs for Ham radio I understand and
know, but what good is knowing all the stuff on your credit Card (it just
gets swiped) and how does that help with Radio?

On 7/7/07 07:25, "[hidden email]"
<[hidden email]> sent:

> Following the trend, the new test will require the
> applicant to enter their credit card number FROM
> MEMORY in front of 3 VE's, including the expiry date
> and that little 3 digit code on the back of the
> card!!!

A bit of fragrance always clings to the hand that gives the rose.
-Chinese proverb

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