To me, HAM will always be boiled pig, but then at my age, I don't feel strongly about what I'm called.
Regrettably, I never had an individual "Elmer" but will always be grateful to the many from whom I've drawn advice, knowledge, encouragement and camaradie.
I'm not a very active "ham" but thanks to those who helped me, I've enjoyed the hobby immensely and am grateful that I've been able to help a few others along the way.
What's in a name? Not a lot as far as I'm concerned. I'm proud that I passed my amateurs' exam over 40 years ago and proud that I became proficient in morse code. Part of me regrets the "dumbing down" of standards during my lifetime, but I also appreciate that much of it was necessary for the hobby's future survival.
Standards change from generation to generation; some I embrace and some I don't like. Maybe it's as well that the inevitable tag of SK catches up with us all after our allotted span?
73 Dave: G3TJP
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