Re: It's Alive !!

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Re: It's Alive !!

Robert C.Abell
Hi Jeff,
Congrats on finishing your K2 # 3375!
Judging by the S/N you've had the kit awhile.
Just a tip regarding programming your filters for SSB, be sure to follow
the instructions in the K2SB manual, you will get much better results.
Have you added the latest mods, if not I recommend that you do so.
I recommend that if you intend to use the K2 extensively on SSB that you
consider adding the KPA100 amplifier, it makes a real difference when
you can be heard, 10 watts just isn't enough power for consistant SSB
Keep us informed. Will look for you on the Trans Provincial Net on 7.055

73, Bob  VE3XM
K2  S/N 02676
K2/100  S/N  04031
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