Hi everybody,
Another "experienced" ham comes to the room with his tail between his legs.
EE in college and over 25 years in electronic field service, and what do I
do? Foul up, of course. I did read the errata before I sent the original
email, and everything else. I checked those caps 3 TIMES before I called
Gary. I was sure I was right! That should have been the first signal
something was terribly wrong. You were all correct, and Gary, of course
was correct (and unbelievably patient) and I apparently am no longer
capable of distinguishing a "flat" side on a silk screen. I need to take
more and longer breaks.
By the way, I did finish the 4 band filter board last night with the last
of the transformers. (I counted all the windings on all transformers and
coils at least 5 times each, so you know I probably messed them up too!)
Kidding aside, I am actually loving this, and I will be a little let down
when I am done.
Of course, there's no telling when that will be.
Thanks again.
Vin KR2F
"I've cut this wire 3 times, and it's STILL TOO SHORT"
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