Re: K1-4 Filter Board New Trimmer Caps-Final

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Re: K1-4 Filter Board New Trimmer Caps-Final

Vin Cortina
Hi everybody,

Another "experienced" ham comes to the room with his tail between his legs.
EE in college and over 25 years in electronic field service, and what do I
do?  Foul up, of course.  I did read the errata before I sent the original
email, and everything else.  I checked those caps 3 TIMES before I called
Gary. I was sure I was right!  That should have been the first signal
something was terribly wrong.  You were all correct, and Gary, of course
was correct (and unbelievably patient) and I apparently am no longer
capable of distinguishing a "flat" side on a silk screen.  I need to take
more and longer breaks.

By the way, I did finish the 4 band filter board last night with the last
of the transformers.  (I counted all the windings on all transformers and
coils at least 5 times each, so you know I probably messed them up too!)
Kidding aside, I am actually loving this, and I will be a little let down
when I am done.

Of course, there's no telling when that will be.

Thanks again.

Vin  KR2F

"I've cut this wire 3 times, and it's STILL TOO SHORT"

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