Hi Marteinn,
That is an interesting test. Unless the received noise level is so high that the
noise blanker starts to work effectively, it is probably better to leave it out,
or install another filter.
Stewart G3RXQ
On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 13:53:19 +0000, Marteinn Sverrisson wrote:
> HI Stewart
> Thanks for the comment on my dipole.
> I have just made a simple experiment. I took out the Noise Blanker
> and put 150 Ohm resistors as terminators for the output of the post mixer amp
> and input of the SSB filter, with no coupling for the signal.
> This is with the preamp on.
> With my S9+46dB signal on 3580 kHz I get 3 to 4 leds activated
> On 3886 kHz I get 1 to 2 leds activated (1 led is the noise level), this
> is at least 6dB better rejection than with the NB installed (3 to 4 leds),
> indicating it is possible to improve the ultimate rejection somewhat
> in addition to improving the shape factor
> by using your filter in place of the NB.
> 73
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