You should not see a significant change in noise level between NB1 and NB2,
Rich, or between low or high thresholds either. That suggests something is
wrong with the noise blanker.
I use the blanker most often to deal with lamp dimmer racket on 80 meters. I
have seen situations where the noise blanker needed more signal that I was
getting from my antenna to make it work, even in low threshold mode. In
those cases, turning the Preamp ON, something normally never done on the
lower bands, made the noise disappear by bringing the level up to where the
blanker circuit kicked in.
-----Original Message-----
I have a K2 S/N 4023 which works very well. I think I have a problem with
the noise blanker. On NB1, there is no difference between this setting and
off. I am trying to eliminate ignition noise from nearby cars. With the
noise blanker set to NB2, there is a significant reduction in volume and it
appears to eliminate some noise. The same effect occurs whether the LEVEL
is set to high or LOW. Anyone for ideas where I should look or is this the
way it is supposed to work?
Thanks ahead
Rich W3ACO
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