Re: K2 amplifier keying circuit PCB?

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Re: K2 amplifier keying circuit PCB?

Tom Hammond-3
Hi Mike:

>I happened to find the K2 amplifier keying circuit
>partial mod kit on Elecraft's site.  The write up
>mentions, at the  bottom, that you might be putting
>together a small PCB for this circuit.  Do you have
>any of the PCB's available for sale?  If so, can you
>email me the details?

I'm replying to you directly AND via the because I've received several
recent similar queries from Elecraft reflector members as well.

That article on the Elecraft web site really needs to be REMOVED because
it's no longer accurate. I wrote it WAY BACK before Wayne came up with the
8R line T-R keying feature for the K2. It used a different keying line
which did NOT pre-key the T-R line and which would not be nearly as
satisfactory as using the 8R line keying.

I never got into making the PC boards available... the 8r Line keying
became available soon after I posted my original article and one of the
reflector members had a small run of keying boards made up to use the 8R
line, so I put my article on hold at that time.

I believe that Elecraft MIGHT be offering a set of parts (only, no PC
board) to allow you to connect to the 8R line in a 'basic' K2, to provide
amplifier T-R keying, but it's neither an 'official' Elecraft mod, nor an
'official' Elecraft kit. And... I may be way off base here... they may
offer nothing along this line. I've sent a couple other folks to Elecraft
with this request and no one has ever replied to me that they did or did
not obtain what they needed from Elecraft.

Someone really needs to come up with a stand-alone T-R line keying
circuit,using the basic K2. I should have done it long ago, but figgered
someone else would do it. I KNOW there are a number of folks using such a


Tom   N0SS

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Re: Re: K2 amplifier keying circuit PCB?

Don Brown-4

The K60XV option has the external amplifier keying circuit built in although it uses a 2N7000 as the output transistor so it will not handle a large current. I would guess the 2N7000 could be replaced with a IRF830 or IRL620 like in the KPA100 if you needed up to one amp and 200 volts. The keying output is on pin 2 of J2 you will need to bring this out to a connector on the back of the K2. The standard connector seems to be a RCA jack. Even if you do not need the transverter IF connections the addition of the 60 meter band and the keying circuit may make this option something you may want. It looks much better than a home brew perf board circuit.

Don Brown

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Tom Hammond<mailto:[hidden email]>
  To: M. Hendricks<mailto:[hidden email]> ; [hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>
  Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 8:21 AM
  Subject: [Elecraft] Re: K2 amplifier keying circuit PCB?

  Hi Mike:

  >I happened to find the K2 amplifier keying circuit
  >partial mod kit on Elecraft's site.  The write up
  >mentions, at the  bottom, that you might be putting
  >together a small PCB for this circuit.  Do you have
  >any of the PCB's available for sale?  If so, can you
  >email me the details?

  I'm replying to you directly AND via the because I've received several
  recent similar queries from Elecraft reflector members as well.

  That article on the Elecraft web site really needs to be REMOVED because
  it's no longer accurate. I wrote it WAY BACK before Wayne came up with the
  8R line T-R keying feature for the K2. It used a different keying line
  which did NOT pre-key the T-R line and which would not be nearly as
  satisfactory as using the 8R line keying.

  I never got into making the PC boards available... the 8r Line keying
  became available soon after I posted my original article and one of the
  reflector members had a small run of keying boards made up to use the 8R
  line, so I put my article on hold at that time.

  I believe that Elecraft MIGHT be offering a set of parts (only, no PC
  board) to allow you to connect to the 8R line in a 'basic' K2, to provide
  amplifier T-R keying, but it's neither an 'official' Elecraft mod, nor an
  'official' Elecraft kit. And... I may be way off base here... they may
  offer nothing along this line. I've sent a couple other folks to Elecraft
  with this request and no one has ever replied to me that they did or did
  not obtain what they needed from Elecraft.

  Someone really needs to come up with a stand-alone T-R line keying
  circuit,using the basic K2. I should have done it long ago, but figgered
  someone else would do it. I KNOW there are a number of folks using such a


  Tom   N0SS

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