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Re:K3 - Cost of importing into the UK

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Re:K3 - Cost of importing into the UK

30 posts
I agree with Geoff, why run the risk of HM Customs taking a look at the situation.  I presume Elecraft will continue to declare the K3 as a kit, and use the same tarriff code. The assembly of many modules, and many hardware bits, surely is a "kit" of parts  Still has my vote as a good buy.

73  Bryan  GM3AKF
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Re:K3 - Cost of importing into the UK

459 posts

AFAIK, kit or not has nothing to do with it. Amateur radio equipment is "duty
free" in EU. All that must be paid is a tax which is equivalent to VAT in the
country where the equipment is being imported.

The status as a kit appears to be importance for the CE marking but not for customs.

I am not a lawyer, so ymmv...

vy 73 de toby

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