Re: K3 S Meter

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Re: K3 S Meter

Geoffrey Downs-2
A couple of years ago there was some correspondence on the reflector about
whether an S unit is 6db or 4 db and there appears to be historical
precedent for both but I have looked at the archive and can't find where it
rested as far as the K3 is concerned. It occurred to me while recently
re-calibrating my S meter with the XG2 that if, in accordance with the
manual, you set S9 to be 50 microvolts and adopt 6 db per S unit the reading
for 1 microvolt should be between S3 and S4 (S3 being 0.78 microvolts and S4
1.56 microvolts by my calculations). For practical purposes S3 is probably
close enough rather than "about S2 or 3" as shown in the manual. Or is it
more complicated than that? My arithmetic is not up working out how many S
units one microvolt would be at 4db per S unit but I suspect it would be
further away from S2 or 3. Anyone care to comment?

73 to all


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Re: K3 S Meter

Bill W4ZV

Geoffrey Downs-2 wrote
A couple of years ago there was some correspondence on the reflector about
whether an S unit is 6db or 4 db and there appears to be historical
precedent for both but I have looked at the archive and can't find where it
rested as far as the K3 is concerned. It occurred to me while recently
re-calibrating my S meter with the XG2 that if, in accordance with the
manual, you set S9 to be 50 microvolts and adopt 6 db per S unit the reading
for 1 microvolt should be between S3 and S4 (S3 being 0.78 microvolts and S4
1.56 microvolts by my calculations). For practical purposes S3 is probably
close enough rather than "about S2 or 3" as shown in the manual. Or is it
more complicated than that? My arithmetic is not up working out how many S
units one microvolt would be at 4db per S unit but I suspect it would be
further away from S2 or 3. Anyone care to comment?
I believe 6 dB is the "correct" definition, but most S-meters (K3 and Flex 5k excluded) are very non-linear at low S-meter readings.  IMHO the following is an accurate summary of what readings should be:

I would adjust the K3 for the XG2's 1 uV output to solidly display S3 (i.e. no flicker of S2-3).  That would only be 2.16 dB off (20 log .78/1), which is probably "close enough".

73,  Bill
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Re: K3 S Meter

I calibrated the S-meter to 5 dB per S-unit because then the divisions represent 5 dB both above and below S-9. This is easy to remember and it also seemed to allow quite good linearity all along the scale. As has been pointed out, there is no standard so a choice of 5 dB/unit is as valid as any other.

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Re: K3 S Meter

Hmm, have you checked the calibration above S9? If you compress the scale below S9 to 5dB per S-unit, the scale above S9 is likely to be compressed also, to something like 8.5dB per 10dB division.

AB2TC - Knut

Al Lorona wrote
I calibrated the S-meter to 5 dB per S-unit because then the divisions represent 5 dB both above and below S-9. This is easy to remember and it also seemed to allow quite good linearity all along the scale. As has been pointed out, there is no standard so a choice of 5 dB/unit is as valid as any other.

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Re: K3 S Meter

Mike Scott-7
In reply to this post by Geoffrey Downs-2
Geoff said>For practical purposes S3 is probably close enough rather than
"about S2 or 3" as shown in the manual. Or is it more complicated than that?

Geoff, lets do the math...

S-9 is 50 uV at the antenna terminals by convention

1 uV is equal to 20 * log (1/50) = -33.98 dB below S-9

Say we define 6 dB per S-unit; let's not start a conventions war please.

-33.98 dB divided by 6 dB/S-unit = -5.66 S-units from the S-9 50 uV signal

9 S-units - 5.66 S-units = 3.34 S-units for a 1 uV signal using 6 dB per

If we do the same math for 5 dB per S-unit we get:

-33.98/5 = -6.8 S-units lower than S-9 or 1 uV = 2.2 S-units

So it all depends on what convention you want to use. Selecting S-2 or S-3
gets you in the ball park.

I am not positive but I think region 1 has a standard of 5 dB per S-unit; we
don't have a standard here.

Mike Scott - AE6WA
Tarzana, CA (DM04 / near LA)
NAQCC 3535
K3-100 #508 / KX1  #1311

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Re: K3 S Meter

Guy, K2AV
No standards.  There is no international body in charge of the definition of
an S-unit.

Just history.

Somewhere I have a .jpg file from an ebay posting of a lovely pristine 30's
receiver with an S meter that showed S units on top side of scale, and dB's
on the bottom side.  6 db per unit.

The very simple origin of that was that moving up an S unit was doubling the
signal voltage. Given circuits back then, the bottom of the scale was the
point at which AGC intercept occurred.

The "about" portion of the S3 in the K3 doc comes from not having strictly
calibrated RF gain until just a few beta firmware releases ago.

After the calibration, my K3's S3 light kicks on at input of -109 dBm, and
S4 kicks on at -103.  1 uv exceeds -109 but falls short of -103, thus only
showing up to the S3 light.

If one is thinking that S3 *IS* -109, then 106 or 105 or so is "about" S3.
If one is thinking that S3 is a range, when the S3 lamp is on then it's S3
(exceeds -109 but not -103 dBm), then by definition S3 is fuzzy.

Use of the word "about" is a lot more straightforward for doc than what I
just said. Another example of when less is more.

73, Guy.

On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 1:45 PM, Mike Scott <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Geoff said>For practical purposes S3 is probably close enough rather than
> "about S2 or 3" as shown in the manual. Or is it more complicated than
> that?
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Re: K3 S Meter

Philippe Trottet
In reply to this post by Bill W4ZV
I've seen on the manual S9 /50 microvolts is adjusted with Preamp ON .
As a new Elecrafter I need some explanations, because with my previous rigs, I use to calibrate S9 without the preamp.
Philippe A65BI
K3 #3616

>>> Bill W4ZV <[hidden email]> 17-11-2009 22:25 >>>

Geoffrey Downs-2 wrote:

> A couple of years ago there was some correspondence on the reflector about
> whether an S unit is 6db or 4 db and there appears to be historical
> precedent for both but I have looked at the archive and can't find where
> it
> rested as far as the K3 is concerned. It occurred to me while recently
> re-calibrating my S meter with the XG2 that if, in accordance with the
> manual, you set S9 to be 50 microvolts and adopt 6 db per S unit the
> reading
> for 1 microvolt should be between S3 and S4 (S3 being 0.78 microvolts and
> S4
> 1.56 microvolts by my calculations). For practical purposes S3 is probably
> close enough rather than "about S2 or 3" as shown in the manual. Or is it
> more complicated than that? My arithmetic is not up working out how many S
> units one microvolt would be at 4db per S unit but I suspect it would be
> further away from S2 or 3. Anyone care to comment?

I believe 6 dB is the "correct" definition, but most S-meters (K3 and Flex
5k excluded) are very non-linear at low S-meter readings.  IMHO the
following is an accurate summary of what readings should be: 

I would adjust the K3 for the XG2's 1 uV output to solidly display S3 (i.e.
no flicker of S2-3).  That would only be 2.16 dB off (20 log .78/1), which
is probably "close enough".

73,  Bill
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Re: K3 S Meter

Bill W4ZV
On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 12:09 AM, Philippe Trottet [via Elecraft] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I've seen on the manual S9 /50 microvolts is adjusted with Preamp ON .
As a new Elecrafter I need some explanations, because with my previous rigs, I use to calibrate S9 without the preamp.
Philippe A65BI
K3 #3616

Bon jour Phillipe,

The simple answer is "Always follow the manufacturer's directions".  A more complex one is that the K3, being a DSP rig, compensates internally in firmware for the fact that PREamp is ON during the calibration procedure.

I also recommend using CONFIG: SMTR MD - ABS.  This will place the K3's S-meter in ABSolute mode, so that the S-meter always reads the signal being applied to the input terminals correctly, independently of whether PRE or ATT are selected internally.  This is also different than most rigs but, if you think about it, it is better since the S-meter always read the true signal level at the input terminal, before any gain or attenuation is applied inside.

73,  Bill  W4ZV
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Re: K3 S Meter

Philippe Trottet
Dear Bill,
Thanks a lot for the clear explanation and fully right to follow the
manufacturers direction but I was ? about it considering my "jurassic"
I will use the indicated config as you mentioned as I'm still in the K3
pre-school !
New rigs, new technologies....Ham radio is great to stay younger !
Thanks to Elecraft !
Bst 73's
A65BI / F5LTB (and ex 9Q1TB & many others...)

Philippe TROTTET
Head of Field Telecom Unit - DUBAI
United Nations High Commissioner for  Refugees
International Humanitarian City
Office Building Nº3 - Room 2, 1st Floor
Doha Street
PO BOX: 506013
HQ Ext: 7120
Vsat: xx 41 22 7120
+971 4 3601753
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Mobile: +971 504531756

>>> Bill W4ZV <[hidden email]> 18-11-2009 14:32 >>>

On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 12:09 AM, Philippe Trottet [via Elecraft] <
[hidden email]<ml-node%[hidden email]>
> wrote:

> Dears
> I've seen on the manual S9 /50 microvolts is adjusted with Preamp ON
> As a new Elecrafter I need some explanations, because with my
> rigs, I use to calibrate S9 without the preamp.
> Thanks
> Philippe A65BI
> K3 #3616

Bon jour Phillipe,

The simple answer is "Always follow the manufacturer's directions".  A
complex one is that the K3, being a DSP rig, compensates internally in
firmware for the fact that PREamp is ON during the calibration

I also recommend using CONFIG: SMTR MD - ABS.  This will place the
S-meter in ABSolute mode, so that the S-meter always reads the signal
applied to the input terminals correctly, independently of whether PRE
ATT are selected internally.  This is also different than most rigs
but, if
you think about it, it is better since the S-meter always read the
signal level at the input terminal, before any gain or attenuation is
applied inside.

73,  Bill  W4ZV

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Re: K3 S Meter

Don Wilhelm-4
In reply to this post by Bill W4ZV

If the K3 S-meter is calibrated with the  preamp ON, and then ABS mode
is set on, the S-meter response for a 50 uV input will be S-7.
If one is going to use S-meter ABS, then it is best to calibrate the
S-meter  for S-9with the preamp off.

Yes, I know what "the manufacturer's instructions" say, but I know how
my K3 responds, and I also recall Lyle Johnson's response to this exact
situation in his posting of November 15, 2009 in which he said the
S-meter must be calibrated for the way you will use it.  He in fact
calibrates his with the PREAMP and ATTN both OFF and uses the S-meter in
ABS mode (just as I do).  When calibrated that way, it will not be
correct in NORMAL mode if the preamp is ON.

In other words, the S-meter will respond correctly only under the
conditions for which you calibrated it.  You get to decide what your
normal operating situation will be - S-meter normal or absolute, preamp
on or off and attenuator on or off.  I prefer to use S-meter absolute so
S-9 indicates 50 uV at the antenna input regardless of whether the
preamp or attenuator is on or off.  Take your pick.

Yes, I believe the manual could be more explicit.

Bill W4ZV wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 12:09 AM, Philippe Trottet [via Elecraft] <
> [hidden email]<ml-node%[hidden email]>
>> wrote:
>> Dears
>> I've seen on the manual S9 /50 microvolts is adjusted with Preamp ON .
>> As a new Elecrafter I need some explanations, because with my previous
>> rigs, I use to calibrate S9 without the preamp.
>> Thanks
>> Philippe A65BI
>> K3 #3616
> Bon jour Phillipe,
> The simple answer is "Always follow the manufacturer's directions".  A more
> complex one is that the K3, being a DSP rig, compensates internally in
> firmware for the fact that PREamp is ON during the calibration procedure.
> I also recommend using CONFIG: SMTR MD - ABS.  This will place the K3's
> S-meter in ABSolute mode, so that the S-meter always reads the signal being
> applied to the input terminals correctly, independently of whether PRE or
> ATT are selected internally.  This is also different than most rigs but, if
> you think about it, it is better since the S-meter always read the true
> signal level at the input terminal, before any gain or attenuation is
> applied inside.
> 73,  Bill  W4ZV
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Re: K3 S Meter

Don Wilhelm-4
Correction - Lyle's post was November 5.

Don Wilhelm wrote:

> Bill,
> If the K3 S-meter is calibrated with the  preamp ON, and then ABS mode
> is set on, the S-meter response for a 50 uV input will be S-7.
> If one is going to use S-meter ABS, then it is best to calibrate the
> S-meter  for S-9with the preamp off.
> Yes, I know what "the manufacturer's instructions" say, but I know how
> my K3 responds, and I also recall Lyle Johnson's response to this exact
> situation in his posting of November 15, 2009 in which he said the
> S-meter must be calibrated for the way you will use it.  He in fact
> calibrates his with the PREAMP and ATTN both OFF and uses the S-meter in
> ABS mode (just as I do).  When calibrated that way, it will not be
> correct in NORMAL mode if the preamp is ON.
> In other words, the S-meter will respond correctly only under the
> conditions for which you calibrated it.  You get to decide what your
> normal operating situation will be - S-meter normal or absolute, preamp
> on or off and attenuator on or off.  I prefer to use S-meter absolute so
> S-9 indicates 50 uV at the antenna input regardless of whether the
> preamp or attenuator is on or off.  Take your pick.
> Yes, I believe the manual could be more explicit.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
> Bill W4ZV wrote:
>> On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 12:09 AM, Philippe Trottet [via Elecraft] <
>> [hidden email]<ml-node%[hidden email]>
>>> wrote:
>>> Dears
>>> I've seen on the manual S9 /50 microvolts is adjusted with Preamp ON .
>>> As a new Elecrafter I need some explanations, because with my previous
>>> rigs, I use to calibrate S9 without the preamp.
>>> Thanks
>>> Philippe A65BI
>>> K3 #3616
>> Bon jour Phillipe,
>> The simple answer is "Always follow the manufacturer's directions".  A more
>> complex one is that the K3, being a DSP rig, compensates internally in
>> firmware for the fact that PREamp is ON during the calibration procedure.
>> I also recommend using CONFIG: SMTR MD - ABS.  This will place the K3's
>> S-meter in ABSolute mode, so that the S-meter always reads the signal being
>> applied to the input terminals correctly, independently of whether PRE or
>> ATT are selected internally.  This is also different than most rigs but, if
>> you think about it, it is better since the S-meter always read the true
>> signal level at the input terminal, before any gain or attenuation is
>> applied inside.
>> 73,  Bill  W4ZV
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>> Checked by AVG -
>> Version: 9.0.707 / Virus Database: 270.14.69/2508 - Release Date: 11/17/09 02:40:00
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Re: K3 S Meter

Bill W4ZV
In reply to this post by Don Wilhelm-4

Don Wilhelm-4 wrote
If the K3 S-meter is calibrated with the  preamp ON, and then ABS mode
is set on, the S-meter response for a 50 uV input will be S-7.
If one is going to use S-meter ABS, then it is best to calibrate the
S-meter  for S-9with the preamp off.
This is because you are selecting ABS **AFTER** meter calibration.  CONFIG: SMTR MD - ABS should be set **PRIOR** to calibration if you plan to use it.  

If set prior to the S-meter calibration, there is no change in my S9 reading for 50uV input whether PRE is ON, ATT is ON, BOTH are ON or BOTH are OFF.  This is exactly as expected because the firmware is compensating for all possible combinations.  The meter always indicates the correct S-meter reading based on the signal applied to the input terminals, independent of any internal gain or attenuation.

73,  Bill
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Re: K3 S Meter

In reply to this post by Philippe Trottet
Hi Philippe,

I think that instruction is in error.  I adjusted mine with both the  
preamp and the attenuator OFF.  Makes more sense that way.  Turn  
CONFIG: SMTR MODE  to nor.  Turn preamp and attenuator OFF, and then  
adjust your S meter.  Now if you decide to turn SMTR MODE to ABS,  
you'll find that it is already adjusted correctly and does not require  
re-adjustment.  Evidently, the current firmware has the ABS mode track  
the nor mode with both preamp and atteunator off.  Perhaps there was a  
change in the firmware at some point in time that did not get  
reflected in the Operators Manual.


Oliver Johns

On 17 Nov 2009, at 21:08, Philippe Trottet wrote:

> Dears
> I've seen on the manual S9 /50 microvolts is adjusted with Preamp ON .
> As a new Elecrafter I need some explanations, because with my  
> previous rigs, I use to calibrate S9 without the preamp.
> Thanks
> Philippe A65BI
> K3 #3616
>>>> Bill W4ZV <[hidden email]> 17-11-2009 22:25 >>>
> Geoffrey Downs-2 wrote:
>> A couple of years ago there was some correspondence on the  
>> reflector about
>> whether an S unit is 6db or 4 db and there appears to be historical
>> precedent for both but I have looked at the archive and can't find  
>> where
>> it
>> rested as far as the K3 is concerned. It occurred to me while  
>> recently
>> re-calibrating my S meter with the XG2 that if, in accordance with  
>> the
>> manual, you set S9 to be 50 microvolts and adopt 6 db per S unit the
>> reading
>> for 1 microvolt should be between S3 and S4 (S3 being 0.78  
>> microvolts and
>> S4
>> 1.56 microvolts by my calculations). For practical purposes S3 is  
>> probably
>> close enough rather than "about S2 or 3" as shown in the manual. Or  
>> is it
>> more complicated than that? My arithmetic is not up working out how  
>> many S
>> units one microvolt would be at 4db per S unit but I suspect it  
>> would be
>> further away from S2 or 3. Anyone care to comment?
> I believe 6 dB is the "correct" definition, but most S-meters (K3  
> and Flex
> 5k excluded) are very non-linear at low S-meter readings.  IMHO the
> following is an accurate summary of what readings should be:
> I would adjust the K3 for the XG2's 1 uV output to solidly display  
> S3 (i.e.
> no flicker of S2-3).  That would only be 2.16 dB off (20 log .78/1),  
> which
> is probably "close enough".
> 73,  Bill
> --
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Re: K3 S Meter

The manual is correct if you wish to use "nor" mode for the S Meter.

If you wish to use ABS mode, then you need set PRE OFF and ATT OFF
before adjusting CONFIG: SMTR SC and CONFIG:SMTR OF.  In this case, with
no sig gen attached, the lowest S Meter bar may flicker or be on.  On
both of my K3s (S/N 00002 and S/N 03036) the results are SC 14 and OF 20.

If you have a sig gen, and if you haven't already done so, you should
run the RF GAIN calibration procedure in K3 Utility *before* performing
S Meter calibration.  Details for this are in K3 Utility Help.


Lyle KK7P

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Re: K3 S Meter

> The manual is correct if you wish to use "nor" mode for the S Meter.
> If you wish to use ABS mode, then you need set PRE OFF and ATT OFF
> before adjusting CONFIG: SMTR SC and CONFIG:SMTR OF.

To be clearer, if you calibrate according to the manual and *then*
select ABS mode, the S meter will read about 10 dB low (approximately 2
S units).

If you calibrate with PRE and ATT OFF and *then* select NOR mode, the S
meter will only be "accurate" if PRE and ATT are OFF.

The DSP firmware corrects for PRE and ATT gains in its calculations in
ABS mode; it does not correct for these in NOR mode.


Lyle KK7P

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Re: K3 S Meter

In reply to this post by KK7P

KK7P wrote
If you have a sig gen, and if you haven't already done so, you should
run the RF GAIN calibration procedure in K3 Utility *before* performing
S Meter calibration.  Details for this are in K3 Utility Help.
Lyle - is there anything to be gained by running the RF Calibration on 3 bands (like with the XG2 Signal Generator)?

rgds, Julian VK4CMV

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Re: K3 S Meter

> Lyle - is there anything to be gained by running the RF Calibration on 3
> bands (like with the XG2 Signal Generator)?

No.  The DSP will use the last set of readings only.

I use 20 meters, but it isn't critical. I probably woudln't use 6
meters, since the attenuator and/or preamp transfer characteristic
probably is slightly different there.


Lyle KK7P

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Audio blast from the past

Merv Schweigert
In reply to this post by KK7P
Just had one of the audio blasts from the past so to speak,
Using the latest 3.63,
was changing modes from RTTY to CW and as soon as
I pressed the Mode switch and the K3 went into full audio
loud screech.  Happy it was on speaker and not headphones
as it was eardrum busting.  Hitting the mode switch again
did nothing at first, pressed it again and it stopped.
Of course I cannot get it to repeat.

Also notice that I have a "dead" spot while tuning the shift
control.   If the width is set to .05 and tuning the width control
to center a signal in the passband,  when I tune through .63
the receiver goes almost dead,  one click either way, IE: .64
or .62 and all is back to normal.  Changed between IIR and FIR
and same results at .63 shift.  It may be at other widths also just
not as noticable.

Another one that may  have always been there and I never noticed ,
when engaging the NB control the signals drop noticably, my settings
are T1-4 and IF Narrow -4  when I press NB to remove power line
noise the signal also drops in strength,  as I say that may be "normal"
and I have not noticed it before.

73 Merv KH7C
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