Re: [K3] Wetting current and CW paddles (Rich NE1EE)

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Re: [K3] Wetting current and CW paddles (Rich NE1EE)

Back in the 1960's-1970's I spent many hours cleaning contacts when I
worked at the local telephone company. Relays that had little or no
current flowing through the contacts usually would only have to be
cleaned with paper, known as Bell Seal Bond Paper 20. If this did not
work, we used a contact burnisher tool.  These low or no current flow
contacts would usually only have dirt buildup and did not need any sort
of filing to clean them up. Filing contacts usually just damages the
contact surface. The scratcher from a pack of matches can also be too
abrasive. Plain white paper would be a good choice.

Contacts need tension, and in some cases "follow". Follow is where the 2
contacts come together, then continue to move or follow each other
together, for a distance. This helps to clean the contacts and keep them
clean. If they just touch, there is a possibility of contact bounce.

73, Joe, K1ike

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