Rick wrote:
>...K1 sn 1859 working well since March...I was switching bands and found
>20 meters pretty quiet and my output went to zero. All other bands 40, 30
>and 17 are working...
The first thing I would do is "exercise" the trimmer caps (by turning the rotors CCW and CW several times) that are associated with the 20m filter circuits (C3, C4, CC, CD). Then perform a complete 20m band alignment per the manual. Sometimes these trimmer caps behave oddly, and this may cure your problem. If the other three bands work OK, then it's very unlikely to be a problem with the relays or the toroid transformers. There could be a bad solder connection between any of the above caps or their connections to relays K4 or K6.
Good luck. Sounds like it'll have a simple fix whenever you find the culprit.
Mike / KK5F
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