Re: KPA100 + KAT100-2 in an EC2 enclosure

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Re: KPA100 + KAT100-2 in an EC2 enclosure

Geert Jan de Groot-3
One more comment: don't install the RS232 driver chip of the KPA100,
only of the KIO2. This way, the cable between K2 and KPA100 and
RS232 PC can be made symetrical

I've also made small mods to the KAT100 (changed the diodes)
so that the small round plug can be used to feed the K2.
Now, there are three cables between K2 and KPA100 to connect all:
coax (RF), DE9B (auxbus etc), power, no separate cable needed.

Geert Jan
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Re: Re: KPA100 + KAT100-2 in an EC2 enclosure

What do you mean by symetrical ? I already did this... I mean put the KPA100 in the KAT100 enclosure. And it's working. But at this time I do not have the serial communication functionning, we know that... the IO in the KPA100 is not connected to the K2...

But I bought the KIO2 to eventually install it in the K2, to have again the serial feature possible...

Is it something I must remove in the KPA100 to prevent something to blow up... not sure what to do ?
On Wednesday, September 22, 2004, at 08:05AM, Geert Jan de Groot <[hidden email]> wrote:

>One more comment: don't install the RS232 driver chip of the KPA100,
>only of the KIO2. This way, the cable between K2 and KPA100 and
>RS232 PC can be made symetrical

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