What do you mean by symetrical ? I already did this... I mean put the KPA100 in the KAT100 enclosure. And it's working. But at this time I do not have the serial communication functionning, we know that... the IO in the KPA100 is not connected to the K2...
But I bought the KIO2 to eventually install it in the K2, to have again the serial feature possible...
Is it something I must remove in the KPA100 to prevent something to blow up... not sure what to do ?
On Wednesday, September 22, 2004, at 08:05AM, Geert Jan de Groot <
[hidden email]> wrote:
>One more comment: don't install the RS232 driver chip of the KPA100,
>only of the KIO2. This way, the cable between K2 and KPA100 and
>RS232 PC can be made symetrical
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