Greetings all;
I have completed a KX1 with all options. Everything has gone great
except I am seeing lower power
output than it should be. From a 12.5V power supply I am seeing just
around 2.5W measured with a scope into a dummy load (as well as other
power meters). Likewise on fresh alkelines, seeing power less than spec.
I have been through support from Elecraft (great by the way), but not
finding any problems. All other operational tests are fine, bought a set
of toroids from toroidguy just so I could do a turn-by-turn count. I am
stumped... I am about ready to send it in to elecraft, but hate to spend
the $$. I saw on the list a lengthy discussion about increasing R30 to
33 ohms. Is this common? Any other common low output power issues I
should look at?
72 de Tim KD7JZ
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