Someone on the fora pointed out that we all have different 49 MHz
I guess that many K3 owners *have bought oscillators delivered without input
for the voltage control* not knowing that a future locking to an external
reference would *not* be possible.
The KTCXO3-1 delivered to me is manufactured by *KS* Electronics (part
number 1099) and pin 1
(VCTRL) is *not connected* internally. *It can´t even be used to be locked
in a PLL*. Also if a PLL is to be implemented you need to specify *Kv
(tuning sensitivity)* for all oscillators to be delivered to your customers
in order to keep the PLL loop filter working correctly. Did you offer a
solution to this when you envisioned a *“REF IN (SMA): input for future
external reference”.*
* *
Which type of oscillator delivered by Elecraft have VCTRL connected to pin
#1 ?**
What is the Kv specified pin #1 is connected?
Comment on this please!
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