Re: KX1 PSK31? [how about FSK?]

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Re: KX1 PSK31? [how about FSK?]

I would find the idea of a small RTTY rig an excellent
idea.  Obviously PSK is a no go because its an audio
signal from a computer hence needing SSB.  

RTTY would be fine as it would allow data modes to be
used by the small DXpedition fraternity without the
need for a laptop etc.

Dave Kearns

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Re: Re: KX1 PSK31? [how about FSK?]

Charles Greene

I'm curious.  How do you plan to convert from Baudot code to something you
can read, and send it, without a laptop, or etc.?

73,  Chas, W1CG

At 08:35 AM 10/5/2004, David Kearns wrote:

>I would find the idea of a small RTTY rig an excellent
>idea.  Obviously PSK is a no go because its an audio
>signal from a computer hence needing SSB.
>RTTY would be fine as it would allow data modes to be
>used by the small DXpedition fraternity without the
>need for a laptop etc.
>Dave Kearns

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Re: Re: KX1 PSK31? [how about FSK?]

In reply to this post by G0HVS
David Kearns wrote:
> I would find the idea of a small RTTY rig an excellent
> idea.  Obviously PSK is a no go because its an audio
> signal from a computer hence needing SSB.

Actually, the only requirement is that the RF amplifier be biased to be
linear.  PSK31 can easily be generated at RF by applying a shaped
baseband signal to a balanced modulator which is then used to get the
required phase reversals.

It is normally done using SSB audio, but this is not a requirement.  A
KX1 would need more than a firmware change to do this, however.

In fact, at these power levels, the balanced modulator could conceivably
be *between* the RF output and the antenna tuner!  Doubt that this is
practical, though...

Lyle KK7P

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Re: Re: KX1 PSK31? [how about FSK?]

Leigh L. Klotz Jr WA5ZNU
In reply to this post by Charles Greene
I would like to see MFSK rather than RTTY.  I think a PIC-based decoder
for MFSK, or a Pocket PC or Palm one, would certainly be within the CPU
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Re: Re: KX1 PSK31? [how about FSK?]

In reply to this post by G0HVS
FSK may be easier to do technically, but what's the point if you can't
make any contacts?

I think it needs to do PSK. There isn't enough MFSK activity. And the
trouble with RTTY is, weak QRP signals aren't as copyable as MFSK and
PSK signals, and just to compound it, many of those who operate RTTY use
high power so you can hear them but they can't hear you, and your little
signal will get swamped by their big ones.

Only PSK has the high enough activity levels to guarantee that, if the
band's open, there will be some activity, and you have a good chance of
actually working the people you hear.
Julian, G4ILO (RSGB, ARRL)
G4ILO's Shack:

Leigh L Klotz, Jr." <[hidden email]> wrote:

I would like to see MFSK rather than RTTY. I think a PIC-based decoder
for MFSK, or a Pocket PC or Palm one, would certainly be within the CPU

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Re: Re: KX1 PSK31? [how about FSK?]

Thom LaCosta
On Tue, 5 Oct 2004, Julian, G4ILO wrote:

> FSK may be easier to do technically, but what's the point if you can't make
> any contacts?
> I think it needs to do PSK. There isn't enough MFSK activity. And the trouble
> with RTTY is, weak QRP signals aren't as copyable as MFSK and PSK signals,
> and just to compound it, many of those who operate RTTY use high power so you
> can hear them but they can't hear you, and your little signal will get
> swamped by their big ones.
> Only PSK has the high enough activity levels to guarantee that, if the band's
> open, there will be some activity, and you have a good chance of actually
> working the people you hear.

I think that consideration must be given to what qrp digital mode will work best
in voew of the ARRL's proposel bandwidth related bandplan proposal.

Thom - k3hrn            Home of the Baltimore Lexicon              Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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