Fred, K6DGW wrote:
I've noticed recently that the VFO shaft encoder doesn't seem to count
reliably. I usually run in the 100 Hz resolution, and turning it slowly
in the increasing frequency direction will sometimes result in a 100 or
200 Hz decrease. The key seems to be "slowly," going faster seems to be
ok. I am sure this is recent (last few weeks) and wasn't a problem when
I first finished the kit.
Is this a common problem? Is it fixable? I finished bought the kit at
Pacificon in Oct 04 and finished it a couple of weeks later. I will
admit that my KX1 is getting quite a bit of use ... I worry the K2 is
feeling like an ignored step-child these days.
Yep, mine (KX1 #702) does it also, and only on the highest resolution
setting. I don't know exactly how the
encoder output is patterned, but it seems like it may have something to
do with the increased shaft play
or "wobble" associated with the pushbutton function also built in to the
encoder, perhaps allowing the encoder
to "start off" in the wrong direction briefly when you start to rotate
it. I have never reported it
because it is just a very minor irritation, and really doesn't interfere
with my being able to set any freq I want.
72 / 73,
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